Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wednesday's Walk

D'ya know, sometimes I have awful pain.  And I hate to say this, but today was one of those days.  I woke up with an awful headache, and then the pain became a general ache in my limbs, and it ended with a quite debilitating weakness in my right hand.  It's not a new thing.  I don't know what causes's really just a nuisance!  So, when I woke with that headache, I just decided to take pain killers straight away, then eat, then shower and dress.  And then I thought I'd take a quiet little stroll around the block by myself.  I didn't even bother to take the camera with me, which is VERY unusual for me...I just wanted to have a stroll in the fresh November air, by myself, to clear my head and be quiet with the Lord for a bit.  It did help.

I loved looking at the cottages... there's an abundance of  lovely names for houses over here:  Rose Tree Cottage, Ivy Cottage, Rosie Cottage, Snail Cottage, and then also houses called Tumble Trees (I hope their trees didn't tumble in order for the house to be called that), Primula, Bryony, Erica, Spinners... oh, lots of names.  I'd love to live in any one of these beautiful little homes... 

There's TWO post boxes on the block.  One has ER on it...for Queen Elizabeth, of course.... the other has VR ...for Victoria, so you can tell how long that box has been there.  There's a phone box...also there's a lovely house with a garage jutting out from the front.  I wouldn't mention it, except for the fact that the owners have stood statuettes of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs on the top of the garage.  

Lovely walk really.  I enjoyed it...and I admit that I talked away to the Lord while I walked too.  I have my times when I sit and pray "properly".  Of course I do.  But at random times during the day, I just talk to Him.  Just like I would to you.  It's not, I hope, an irreverent thing to do.  It's just that He's my Friend, and I chatter....

When I got back to our lane, I noticed some things outside of our neighbour's front door, with a sign saying Free: help yourself. 

So, I went to have a look...  and see what I got today?  I just love this basket!  It had my name on it from the moment I saw it!  Just my style!
And I promise I wasn't greedy...I didn't take all that I saw, but I did take these two videos too.  My thought is that when my nieces and nephews come to visit, they may enjoy them...and if they do watch, then their Aunty will also watch quite happily!

Don't you just love how gifts seem to drop into your lap sometimes?

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