Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Visiting, acorns, jobs, and chatter!

Yesterday, my parents and I went to visit my brother and sister in law at their home near Portsmouth.   It took almost an hour each way...and I have to admit that after a little while I sat in the back seat, yawning, and fighting to keep my eyes open.  I just don't know what was wrong with me...came over soooo tired.  And also had a dreadful headache for a lot of the day.  But that didn't stop me from enjoying the time with family.  My brother's family live in a very pleasant 3 bedroomed house..which also has a nice little garden, which I'd love!  Maybe one day I'll be fortunate enough to have a place like that.  In the meantime, I will ... I WILL.... be content, with my little corner of the world, which I can make a happy and cosy place for people to be in...even if my corner is still my parents' spare room.... 

This is not one of my proudest photographic moments, but here you see, laid out on the dining room floor, three strands of 67 acorns each.  It couldn't have worked out better.. there was a total of 201 acorns, all drilled and ready to even 67 for each rope.  Wonderful.  Hopefully, tomorrow I'll have a little time to start painting them...  I'll keep the pictures coming....

In other news, well, I'm still applying for jobs left, right and centre.  Had another rejection today.  But that's ok, I'm not discouraged.  I just know God has a job for me, and has already stamped my name on it.  So it'll happen.  And when it does, I'll be saving money madly, so that I'll be able to get my own little flat!
:) x

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