Saturday, 10 December 2011

This has been feeling like a very long week!!  I went down with a dreadful cough, and hacked and hacked my way through the training sessions...  it was very tempting to just not bother going, and, honestly, if I'd have been dealing with sick or elderly people, I wouldn't have gone.. 

By yesterday, I knew I had to go to the doctor... and he prescribed me antibiotics.. so hopefully I'll be feeling better soon.  Today I'm just very ugh, with the cold part of this coming out big time..  oh well, it's just that time of year, I suppose.  :)

The fire is going beautifully in the dining room...which is actually a walk through from the living room.. and I've been sitting by it a lot, toasting my hands and feet, and feeling so cozy it's unbelievable!!  :)

Now, I'm sitting here, with the computer on my lap, and the telly is on... and poor little old Miss Marple is being threatened with death by a villainous man... 

Such domestic joys!!


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